Call for entries
Your application for Talents Beirut 2019 will only be processed if you meet the following requirements:
1. You have submitted a complete application, including a sample of work. Please note that the application is individual and we cannot accept team applications. You must have obtained the consent of the other copyright owners for the use of the work sample submitted.
2. You work in one of these areas: cinematography, editing, sound design/score composition.
3. You have directly contributed to at least one short film with a credit as cinematographer, editor or sound designer/score composer, this film was screened at a recognised film festival, OR you have worked on this film with aforementioned credit as a student at a film school or in a film programme.
4. You must be a citizen of one of the following Arab countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. You must be residing in one of these countries and be at least 18 years of age by September 2019. Participants must be fluent in English and Arabic. French is a plus.
The application consists of two parts:
Part 1: On-line application
Fill in and complete the application form online.
Part 2: Submit a sample of work
You have to send in ONE of the following items as a sample of your work. Please contact us for more information or if you have trouble uploading.
2.1. Film sample of THREE MINUTES in length.
Please be advised we do not accept show reels. In case the film sample is not subtitled, please provide it with English subtitles. Do not forget to identify your submission with your name. Instead of submitting film material, sound designers/score composers have the following OPTION:
2.2 For sound designers/composers ONLY:
Your sample of work should be a continuous sequence of video. The maximum length is 3 minutes.
2.3 For editors ONLY:
Your sample of work must be a continuous scene of up to 15 minutes maximum. The submitted scene must be one you have edited yourself but not necessarily directed.
Participant's film material or sample of work
The participant hereby agrees that his/her photograph and data may be published on the website and in the publications of Talents Beirut as provided.
The participant agrees that his/her film material, short film or other sample of work submitted to Talents Beirut may be shown publicly at Talents Beirut, and streamed on the website of Talents Beirut or of related organisations and/or sponsors of Talents Beirut.
The participant agrees that his/her submitted sample of work, may be published by Talents Beirut in full length or as an excerpt in print or television or any other multimedia format for promotional purposes of Talents Beirut.
The participant declares that he/she has notified and has the written consent of the copyright holder(s) of the film or other sample of work submitted, according to the relevant national and international regulations. He/she guarantees that no rights of the copyright holder(s) and/or third parties are violated by the material used in the film or other samples of work submitted. The participant unconditionally and irrevocably declares his/her responsibility towards the copyright holder(s) and/or third parties in case of disputes over copyright violations. In this respect the participant exempts Talents Beirut from all claims by the copyright holder(s) and/or third parties.
The applicant agrees that his/her work may be presented to parties who are interested in the commercial exploitation of the short film or the work sample submitted. Talents Beirut will not negotiate any commercial exploitation of the submitted works without a written agreement from the copyright holder(s).
Talents Beirut is not liable for any loss or damage incurred, irrespective of the cause.
The submitted sample of work or short film will not be returned.
Application deadline
The Talents Beirut 2018 deadline for reception of your complete application will be May 6, 2019.
+961 1 332 661
Event period
September 19-23, 2019 alongside the German Film Week in Beirut from September 19-29, 2019.
Location of the event
Metropolis Empire Sofil, Beirut – Lebanon
Selection of the participants
Participants will be selected at the sole discretion of Talents Beirut. Applicants selected for participation will be informed via email around June 17, 2019. The list of selected participants will be published on our website: www.talents-beirut.com. There is no legal claim to participate in Talents Beirut.
Travel costs and accommodation are covered by Talents Beirut.
Status of the participants
As a registered participant of Talents Beirut 2019 you are automatically accredited to the German Film Week in Beirut taking place from September 19-29, 2019, eligible to be provided with a limited amount of tickets for festival screenings, subject to availability. The accreditation to Talents Beirut allows you to participate in all events at the German Film Week in Beirut except where additional accreditation or an invite is required. Note that attendance at Talents Beirut activities takes precedence over attending screenings.
Talents Beirut offers, free of charge, a comprehensive programme and many privileges to all participants. Your presence as a Talent on our website is a mark of distinction and a recommendation for film professionals throughout the world. In return we expect your cooperation and daily attendance at the event. Talents Beirut reserves the right to remove participants who are absent from the programmes, or who disrupt the programme in any way. Their information will also be summarily removed from the website.
Governing law
For the avoidance of doubt, this agreement is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Lebanese Republic. In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement, exclusive place of venue shall be Beirut. Talents Beirut is an initiative of Metropolis Art Cinema and the Goethe-Institut Lebanon in cooperation with Berlinale Talents and FIDMarseille, with the support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung. The German Film Week in Beirut is organized by the Goethe-Institut Lebanon in partnership with Metropolis Art Cinema.